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Analysis of genomic poly(A) sites
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Danio rerio
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 Dataset description: Detailed description on the searching dataset can be referred by unfolding more description in the dataset-list page 'APAS Search'.
 Tips for searching:
search using a ID (currently Ensembl or UCSC ID only), gene name, symbols or description variable in publications and databases.
 Searching examples: cxcl12a, cxcl, chemokine, also ENSDARG00000037116 (Ensembl id only for Danio rerio), uc009dsc.2, uc003qht.2 (UCSC id only for Mus musculus and Homo sapiens).

Datasets listed by species documented in APASdb
Speices Datasets APA sites Gbrowse Example Description
 Zebrafish (Danio rerio)  Danio.rerio_Zv9_embryonic_development 108290  Chr   View  Descripting dynamic APA sites and 3'UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites during zebrafish embryonic development.
 Mouse (Mus musculus)  Mus.musculus_mm9_thymic_development 226858  Chr   View  Descripting dynamic APA sites and 3'-UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites during mouse thymopoiesis.
 Human (Homo sapiens)  Homo.sapiens_hg19_human-all22-tissues 179532  Chr   View  Descripting APA sites and 3'-UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites in 22 normal tissues from human.
 Human (Homo sapiens)  Homo.sapiens_hg19_breastCancer_MCF10A-MCF7-MB231 46531  Chr   View  Descripting APA sites and 3'-UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites in two human breast cancer cell lines MCF7 and MB231, also one cultured normal epithelial cell line MCF10A.
 Human (Homo sapiens)  Homo.sapiens_hg19_rhinosinusitis_11NP-25NP-26NP 83641  Chr   view  Descripting APA sites and 3'-UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites from the nasal polyps and nasal uncinate process mucosa of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps.
 Human (Homo sapiens)  Homo.sapiens_hg19_rectalCancer_12N-VS-12T 74116  Chr   view  Descripting APA sites and 3'-UTRs, and detailing the heterogeneous cleavage sites in human normal and tumorous tissues of intestinum rectum.
* '+' icon unfolds more description, 'view' button supports quick access to a example query, and 'chr' button links the browsing in genome browser.

Jan 11, 2021. Last updated  
Copyright© Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University, High Education Mega Center, Guangzhou 510006 China.